Saturday, March 31, 2007

What came from last week?

Good news: I passed 2nd lab on programming, created a program for 3rd lab, and now working on report for it. Another series of nights with a small amount of slumber :-(. Moreover I passed 4th lab on engineering graphics.

Furthermore I have one history for you: one of my friends reads book. Some time ago I asked her about that book, its author and content. She answered that she is only in the middle of book. After that I asked when she will finish reading. She answered that now she has a little time, so will read it during her spring holidays. So holidays came and on Wednesday I again asked about book, but she still hasn't continued to read :-(. Now scholar holidays are coming to the end, and I again will give her my question. Interestingly what will be the answer?

While we live we always have some passions and often we say that "we haven't enough time but then we will have holidays or finish some important work and will have free time to realize our passion". But time is flowing, and we still haven't enough time because some other duties are coming to us... And as a result our passion becomes a dream that will be never executed.

And now I'm publishing a diagram with some my passions. It's rather rough by now, but it may be publishing it will give me impulse to make clearer? Hope in this. The higher is branch on diagram the more it is long-term. And in the bottom you can find some short-term activities: i.e. laboratory works.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Next big step — Programming lab #3

Now I'm working on next lab on programming. It is much harder than previous and as I think report will also be much harder to write. What is more I need to make this lab until April 5 to pretend on 5 in programming. Another series of nights without enough time to sleep... :-( Furthermore I started to log time I'm working on lab. So in the end I will now how much is time to get best mark on programming. I'm still trying to deploy core of rational organization into my processes.

Moreover I've found, that don't like Perl enough to continue to study it. I think I'll take a break on this now. May be I will return to Perl very soon, or may be not... The next I'll try to read web-book about data structures. I think it will be useful. And the next book in my list is "Code Complete" by Steve McConnel. And after that there are some books from Tannenbaum and other authors which I plan to read.

To add more, now I'm reading book about money and becoming richer and less dependent on others. To make your money grow and work for you, you should invest them in actives not passives, what most people do. What is actives? This is something, that is profitable, eg. shares, bonds, bills, real estate and intellectual property. If you invest your time and money into them, your actives and profits are growing, but if you invest in passives, grow your expenses and passives, which isn't good.

So find actives and invest you into them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Suit to change the world"

"He gave me a black box. There was a label on it: 'Suit to change the world'. I looked at him, but he was silent, so I opened the box. There was:
  • an honest heart
  • intelligence
  • steel will
  • source of energy
  • desire to make world better
  • awl to the ass :-))
'So, we give you a life. And now go there and JUST DO IT!'"

What do you think about this suit. Is it enough? May be an author forgot some important ingredients? I think it's a good topic for discussion.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Information society

Recently I've read CNET article Lickder's vision of the Digital Age. It is about J.C.R. Licklider, who in 1960 in his essay "Man-Computer Symbiosis" predicted many trends of integration computer systems in our life. I haven't read this essay yet, but want to say some words about symbiosis between people and computers. It will be interesting to find what my opinion will be after reading essay :-)

Computers are intrinsic part of our life. Banality but true. All people in developed countries depend on computers. Computers help us to manage such important for our civilization structures as electricity, telecommunication, transportation and many others. Computers have changed the way of life in civilization, and as a result they have changed people. It is Net Generation people, who grew up in time of raising information exchange, ability to easy communicate with people all other the world, collaborate with them, constantly being online with your friends. Net Generation is much more apt to share useful information by wikis, publish thought by blogs and much more. Though most of these people prefer to communicate by Internet, not by real meeting.

Net generation, as I think, is a beginning of Information Society (IS). Information is not a hard good, it can be easily moved from one point to another and cloned for no price, etc. The one in IS is receiving tons of information, but only small bits of it are useful for him. As a result she needs to read information quickly and find there which she needs and truncate all other. What is more desired is the skill not simply truncate useless information, but if in future comes situation, where it is useful rapidly extract from the memory that you have seen something on this theme and can find it in archive.

However, you can say that that skill have been desired for all people who work with big amounts of data, even those who lived in Ancient times. And your are right. Though, my opinion is that in IS this skill plays a vital role in success. In the past you have to have great experience to make something difficult. While great experience is still highly valuable, you can find in Internet a great amount of information about your problem and what is more advices of professionals. So you can avoid many mistakes of your predecessors. Knowledge itself in IS isn't a private information available only for limited amount of people. While some information of course is kept in a secret, in general you can easily find in Internet almost all you need. And what is more, you can easily exchange your ideas and discoverings with others, taking part in growth of Database of Knowledge.

So the main point in IS will be the ability to share ideas, thought, information and other intellectual goods, providing others the ability to modify them, make them better. A group of people works better than single, but in IS you don't have search for people who will help you. They find information by themself, analyze it, use it, modify it, tell about if to others and much more...

Are you in Information Society? Are you sharing and developing your knowledge with others? If not, don't you think it's a good time to start make one more useful thing in a life, and help others by you knowledge?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fantastic abstraction

Impressive images of fractals:
I'm really excited and amazed by this kind of art. May be this is the art of future: combining irration vivid imagination and art vision with strong mathematical base it produces an amazing abstract pictures. So may be fractals with expand their influence on other kinds of human art activity? I'm sure it will one of the art movements in near future.

Two articles

I've read some articles on being proactive person:
And the idea I get from one of this is that may be useful for my struggle with time arrangement. It is that for success you should have strategic thinking. It includes that long-term duties are more important than daily routine, so it will be good for me to spend some time actively working on my time-table. It is hard to live by the time-table for me, but I think it is possible, this the question of time and habit. So may be today I'll try to make something with my affairs?

Ha, this is question for me, not to others, but... Do you try to have a plan of your affairs? No, I don't mean full time-table for every minute, but a list of main goals and deadlines for them? I still haven't... But may be this is a good time to make it for me? And may be it is good time for you, if you also don't have it?

Know what you want, and when you want it to be done. I think it's a good phrase.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Hey! I've got an idea! I'll try to count how much time I spend on labs for programming :-) It's rather interesting to find how much time does it take and moreover may be it will help me to arrange time. ;-)

try {
} // end try
catch( couldntPerformThisTask &exception ) {
std::cout << "Bad boy!" << face="arial">:-)

Hard work

I want to sleep.... But I'm working on my report on lab 2 on programing... Out what a boring task... But if I could pass all lab 1 and report on lab 2,then I would have to say it will be a good week! Hope in near future, I will have some free time from that programming to relax. For example to program for my own! Or read book! Or go for a walk with girlfriend! Or... something else.

Moreover: I have written about "me vs myself". Could you write about your struggle with yourself? Or may be you do not in war with yourself? Please share your thoughts.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

>>> "Me vs Myself"

What's a punishment for me: I still couldn't arrange my time... This is frustrating me. So much things to do, so little time for this... I often create a time-table, but couldn't follow it... :-( This is disgusting. But... I will continue my attempts to discipline myself!! I won't stop my efforts! Who is stronger? Me lazy or me active??!! Is one one of my friends says: "Me vs myself".

And one more... Programming on High-Level Languages... Ough... In Thursday I want to defend report on lab#1 and show report on lab#2.... But I couldn't express my feelings about this subject and its annoying reports on labs. Thought, may be it will be useful in future?..

Best wishes!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Interesting cites

Some interesting cites from Aristotle:
  • Time proof white object is not more white than not time proof
  • We are learning something while doing it
  • Science — where is such, not other
  • Subject of art has a begging in creator not in created object
  • Pleasure gives perfectness and richness to activity and as a result to whole life, and this is something that all people want.

And some my own ideas:
  • Ability to instantly modify itself is an essential skill of that is constant
  • You should feel walls by touching them by hands, not by building them around you(1).

(1) — Very rough phrase on English... Russian priginal is much better. Hope in future I will make it smoother.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

First post!

Hurray! First post in my blog!

That was a hard day: 5 double-classes! And two of them was mathematical analysis. Thought I love this subject :-) Tomorrow (or already today) I'm going to visit Artillery museum and after that go to my courses in databases.

And there are a lot of others tasks and wishes to do...

Best wishes,