Some days ago I decided to to compare two on-line calendar utilities — Google Calendar and Scrybe. I had a question — what is better for me?
Result came very very quickly — I'm choosing Scrybe for now. And do you know what make choose it? A very simple detail — in Scrybe when you click on event you instantly has an access to it's settings and can change them. In Google Calendar when you click on event flying baloon appears, closing some of other events and suggesting you to delete event or change details. Are few more clicks but that is very important while creating a shedule with lots of entryes. I was bored by those clicks in Google Calendar. So I choose Scrybe. Althought it doesn't support russian letters.
Moreover I want to compare some other tools — Google Notebook with ThoughtPad in Scrybe. Moreover I want to understand what is better place for blogging for me — here on Blogspot or on WordPress.
Result came very very quickly — I'm choosing Scrybe for now. And do you know what make choose it? A very simple detail — in Scrybe when you click on event you instantly has an access to it's settings and can change them. In Google Calendar when you click on event flying baloon appears, closing some of other events and suggesting you to delete event or change details. Are few more clicks but that is very important while creating a shedule with lots of entryes. I was bored by those clicks in Google Calendar. So I choose Scrybe. Althought it doesn't support russian letters.
Moreover I want to compare some other tools — Google Notebook with ThoughtPad in Scrybe. Moreover I want to understand what is better place for blogging for me — here on Blogspot or on WordPress.